Why A Fad Diet Is Not The Best Diet To Lose Weight

What is the best diet to lose weight? This has been the question on dieters lips for decades. Fad diets and quick fixes are all over the place and they are never the best way to lose weight Celebrities and the media help give these types of diets wide spread coverage and consumers are sub-consciously influenced to try them in the vain hope that they are the answer to fast and long lasting weight loss. The 3 reasons given below are the primary reasons why quick fix diet plans don't work for permanent body transformation. Ultimately permanent weight loss has got to be your goal and it is vital that you choose the very best diet to lose weight in order to attain it...

1.) Their focus is on a quick fix, not a long-term weight loss solution.

The majority of popular diet programs are focused on the quick fix because that’s what sells. Most dieters want to lose weight fast, its a fact. Perhaps you are one of them? The thing that you need to realize is that fast weight loss must go hand in hand with long-term weight loss or else you will be constantly yo-yo dieting. You didn't put on all this excess weight in only a few days, why should you believe that you can lose it all over-night? It doesn't work like that and the best diet to lose weight realizes this.

2.) They reduce calories too severely.

Any diet that is too focused on helping you lose weight quickly will no doubt need to restrict calories severely in order to achieve this, in other words, it cannot be the best diet to lose weight. This can give seemingly outstanding results in the short-term but over the long haul, this causes more problems than it provides solutions. When you cut calories drastically for more than a few days your body responds by slowing your metabolism and retaining fat stores in a bid to stave off starvation. You'll soon start burning muscle for energy instead of fat and although the numbers on the scales might fall, your body fat percentage will increase. Dropping calories below 20% of your maintenance level for an extended period is a big no-no if you want to get the body of your dreams.

3.) They don't create healthy habits.

Changing your habits is probably the true key to long-term weight loss success, but doing so is often the most difficult part of your weight loss journey. The problem with most of the popular dieting and weight loss plans available is that they don't allow these new and empowering habits to form simply because of their approach to weight loss. The best diet to lose weight is not going to be one that is severely restrictive. Following any diet that requires you to severely restrict calories or a certain food group is difficult to sustain. Pretty soon you'll find yourself giving in to temptation and snacking on unhealthy foods.

So, most popular diets are rubbish. Isn't it time you got serious and starting choosing the best diet to lose weight? Click through the link provided to discover the top 5 strategies your diet MUST include if you are to maximize your weight loss and create the body of your dreams.

Are you getting frustrated with constantly yo-yo dieting to lose weight? Have you lost the confidence to be the real you? Do you want to lose weight fast and keep it off forever? The 30 Day Diet is a rapid weight loss diet where YOU choose your plan and your food. Discover the best diet plan that has got everyone talking and start losing more weight now!